Saturday, January 16, 2016

Relationship Reflection

The relationships that are most meaningful in my life consist of : my daughter, my husband, my family, and my friend. These relationships require active communication, listening, empathy, and devotion. All of them are equally important and play a drastic role in my day to day life.

My daughter (Kenzi) has the greatest meaningful relationship to me. She is my mini me! Everything that I do she mimics and takes pride in what I teach her on a daily basis. I actively communicate with and I am sure to be a great listener! She is full of questions and exploring the "newness" of the world. It is not difficult to maintain our relationship and I have not come across any challenges yet BUT I know when she hits that pre-teen/teenager stage I have my work cut out for me.
My second most meaningful relationships is with my husband and my family. My husband and my family are the most essential voices of reason in my life. They always have a listening ear and keep me grounded. These relationships require my active participation and for me to be a great listener and confidant. They always give me positive feedback and assist me with my day to day necessities. I also provide the same support to them.
Last but not least my relationship with my friends. These are the relationships that require the most maintenance to me. Me and my friends are so alike and so different that it makes our relationship very interesting, lol. I love my best friends and they have been of great support to me through the time that I have known them. I also believe that I provide the same support and positive reinforcement.
My relationships with the people in my lives will have a positive impact on my relationship in my career. I think that my relationships have taught me how to be a great listener and that is essential in Early Childhood Education. My relationships have also taught me how to communicate effectively and provide a positive atmosphere.


  1. Hi Jasmine,

    I loved reading about the important people in your life and how meaningful each relationship is. What stood out to me is your relationship with your daughter. I don't have kids of my own yet and you mentioned you have not come across any challenges yet as far as your relationship. I find this amazing because often I have seen parents struggle with their children and knowing how to have a positive relationship especially for new parents so I applaud you in that. I am sure as long as you keep what you are doing when when she is older she will respect you enough and have that bond that will make everything alright. You also mentioned it takes empathy and active communication to maintain a relationship a positive one. I completely agree there are many elements that can make a positive relationship but these are probably some of the most important thank you for sharing!

  2. Hi Jasmine,
    I enjoyed hearing you share about your daughter. Rest assured if you develop a strong relationship with her now, you will fare well in the pre-teen and teen years. I agree with your note that relationships require a lot of attention and energy, but the rewards far outweigh the work. I am sure you have realized by now that the most vital part of communication is first listening. If you listen well you will be better able to communicate with others.

  3. Relationships are a wonderful thing to have in our lives. My 2 children are grown now but they, my 2 cats and my large family of 5 sisters and 3 brothers are my closest relationahips. Second, are my closest co-workers and third are books. I love a great story with a meaning. It was a pleasure to read your blog.
