Those two quotes are representations of what play meant to me during childhood. I was primarily outside and did not consider play an "in house" activity. I was always disappointed when it was a rainy day and I could not go outside. Technology was not as advanced as it is now and the activities that I participated in are very different from what children now engage in.
As a child, these were my favorite toys: easy bake oven, bop it, and skip it.

My family supported healthy play heavily as I was a child because they encouraged outdoor activity and did not promote watching television all day. We were allow to go outside and explore by riding our bikes, or playing hide and seek, and me and my cousins would constantly take trips to the park. We constantly participated in sports such as basketball, baton twirling, softball, etc. Those sports also promoted play because they helped to build relationships with other peers and engage in an active activity.
Play is definitely different now than it was when I was growing up. Children are now so consumed with video games, watching television, and computers, and could care less about getting fresh air. There are only brief moments now that children actually get to actually go outside and be a kid. Play was an essential role in my life and helped me with socialization, emotional regulation, and engaging with other children. I know that these developments were not only healthy in my childhood but also promotes the same engagements for children in this generation.