Saturday, November 7, 2015

Week 2: Public Health Issues

The ability to access healthy water is a topic that struck a high interest to me. Healthy hydration is essential especially in youth. They are usually more physically active and their bodies are constantly growing and evolving, so it is important for their bodies to have adequate supplies of water. It is also important that the water be free of contaminants and is not filled with parasites or diseases. Our country is so evolved that we have bottled water, purification systems in homes, and even purification systems attached to our water fountains. We are privileged and may not even realize it in comparison to other countries. Not only is it necessary to have clean water for drinking purposes but also for day to day functions as well. Cooking, brushing our teeth, taking a bath, etc. all require access to a clean water supply.

There is a program called Africa Heartwood Project that works to provide sustainable amounts of access to clean water. There is a lack of clean water in many rural villages in Africa, water-borne and water-based diseases are a primary cause of preventable illness and premature deaths, with children being particularly vulnerable (AfricaHeartwoodProject2015). Before projects like this children were drinking from streams that they also had to use the restroom in and take baths in. With all of those contaminants mixed together it was not safe for children nor adults to have to drink from those streams.



  1. Jasmine,

    I believe that all too often we take things such as clean water for granted.

    As you stated, without programs such as the Africa Heartwood Project, children in Africa and other third world countries would be subjected to nameless bacteria and other contaminants, ultimately increasing their likelihood to become ill and in severe cases die. Prayerfully, these type projects will continue to develop and spread to those areas needing them the most.

  2. I agree that we take things for granted. Having clean, sanitary water for consumption is important. In third world countries, they would appreciate the water that we waste during our daily living routines. I once visited the Philippines in 2011 and I was told to buy bottled water to use for drinking and brushing my teeth to I would not get sick. Thank you for sharing!
