- What knowledge, skills, dispositions, and/or talents do you possess that will contribute to your advocacy work?
I think that the skill of effective listening and background knowledge are major contributions to advocacy. I also am passionate about learning new information and have the patience with addressing families concerns when facing new challenges. This skill will make it easier to work in the field of advocacy and early childhood.
- Which issues impacting young children and their families and/or the field of early childhood fuel your passion?
The ways that families are touched and moved by the efforts of advocates helps to influence my passion. Children and their families are grateful for the services that advocates and professionals provide to their lives. They appreciate the effort that is put forth and their gratitude fuels my passion as well. You become apart of the day to day lives of the families who you interact with, and they joy that is brought to them from the accomplishments that are made is enough to reward me and enhance my passion.
- What special skills do you have that will contribute to your advocacy efforts? How will you incorporate these skills into your work?
My best skill that I have acquired is personal knowledge. It is one thing to connect with families based on educational knowledge and background, but it is another to have personal and first hand experience. I consistently say that having a brother with autism has helped me to do my job more effectively, ad also allowed me to be on the other side of the table. This contribution is huge and gives me great knowledge to the answers and emotional bonding that families need.